sad girl
18, Oct 2016
How To Cure Depression

Depression is a clinical term used to refer to a severe mood disorder that can be treated. The disorder interferes with the individual’s normal functioning because they deter them from enjoying their daily tasks and also carrying out the activities that are required of them, for instance at work or home parenting. Factors that contribute to the onset of depression include genetic predisposition, the biology of the brain and traumatic experiences from loss of loved ones or diagnosis of a chronic disease. Ways that have been devised to assist in treating an individual of depression include:


Medication in the form of antidepressants works to bring balance to the neurotransmitters whichare produced by the brain that depression offsets. The medicine works to ease the symptoms of depression, therefore, working as a temporary solution for the problem.


Engaging of the individual in physical activity works to do the same work that antidepressants do in medical therapy. Exercising promotes the production of endorphins which are feel good hormones and serotonin which works to also elevate mood levels. New brain cells are produced, and therefore, the individual can cure their depression.

Counselling Therapy

Counseling is a form of psychotherapy that has been successfully used in the treatment of depression. The individual is assisted to gain skills to help battle the depression and prevent its re-occurrence. The types of therapy used include the cognitive behavioral theory, the psychodynamic theory, and interpersonal therapy. Most of the time these three theories are used together to ensure the individual is cured of the depression.

Practicing Meditation

stressedMeditation is the practice of placing the attention of the person on a particular object or point of reference, so as to gain mindfulness. Being mindful is the ability of an individual to be present at the moment as it is happening. It fosters relaxation through the practice of staying still. When the individual is not obsessing over anxiety that comes with thinking about the future or constantly replaying activities that took place in the past, they can be attentive to what is happening in the now which is of greater importance to their mental wellbeing.


The depressed individual should look for support from others through interaction because isolating themselves makes them susceptible to the mood disorder. Being in the company of others assists one to be present at the moment, and they are not able to focus on the negative emotions they may be battling but on the activities that are going on around them.