4, May 2022
Beginner’s Tips for a More Accurate Handgun Shot

Do you love gunfighting simulation, like FPS games or airsoft guns? Are you called yourself an enthusiast of military simulation? If so, check out and be sure to understand the basics. To be a pro handgun shooter, you need first to learn the basics. It includes learning how to hold the gun properly, aim correctly, and pull the trigger. There are also specific tips that you can follow to improve your accuracy. In this blog post, we will discuss some of these tips so that you can start shooting like a pro.

Be Familiar With the Basics of Gun Safety

handgunThe first thing you need to never neglect is gun safety basics. It would help if you always kept the gun pointed in a safe direction. You should never point the gun at anything that you do not intend to shoot. In addition, you should also stow your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. Another important rule is to be aware of your mark and what is beyond it. It would help if you never shot at a target you are unsure of. These are the basic rules you need to follow to be a responsible gun owner.

Get a High and Tight Grip

When handling the gun, keep a high and tight grip. It will help you control the gun’s recoil when you fire it. In addition, you should also keep your wrists straight and locked when firing the gun. If you are not comfortable with the grip, you can always try different grips until you find one that suits you best. When gripping the gun, be sure to use your strong hand. Your weak hand should be used to support the gun from underneath.

Get Your Stance Right

Aside from that, it would help if you also got your stance right. There are two common stances that you can use when shooting a gun, which is the Weaver stance and the Isosceles stance. In the Weaver stance, you will need to place your weak hand on top of the gun while your strong hand holds the gun from underneath. On the other hand, the Isosceles stance is when you place your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms parallel to the ground. You can try out both stances and see which one works better. Whichever stance you choose, be sure to keep your body balanced.

Work on Recoil Anticipation

sniperYou also need to work on your recoil anticipation, apart from those tips above. When you shoot a gun, there will be a recoil or kickback. To counteract the recoil, you need to anticipate it and adjust your grip accordingly. It takes time and practice to master, but it is essential if you want to improve your accuracy. The rule of thumb is to keep your grip as tight as possible without affecting accuracy.

Those are some beginner tips that you can follow to improve your handgun shooting skills. Be sure to practice regularly and always follow the gun safety rules. After all, practice makes perfect. With enough practice, you will be able to shoot like a pro in no time.…