31, Jan 2022
The Pros of Switching to Electric Dab Rigs

If you’re like most people, you probably think of dab rigs as being powered by butane. However, there is now a new option on the market. That is the Erigs or electric dab rigs! While they may seem like a new trend, electric dab rigs have been around for years, and there are some reasons why you should consider making the switch. This blog post will discuss the pros of using electric dab rigs and why you should consider making the switch!

Provides Better Temperature Control

One of the most significant benefits of using an electric dab rig is that it provides better temperature control than a butane-powered dab rig. The heat source is not directly exposed to the herb or concentrate, which means that you can get a more consistent and accurate temp reading. In addition, many electric dab rigs come with built-in timers, which allow you to set the exact time that you want your dab to be finished. It is an excellent feature for those who like to use precision when they dab!

Has a Better Safety System

smokeAnother benefit of using an electric dab rig is its better safety system than a butane-powered dab rig. Butane rigs can be dangerous if not used properly, as the flame can easily ignite fumes and cause an explosion.

Electric dab rigs are powered by electricity, so there is no blast risk. In addition, they also come with some safety features, such as automatic shut-offs and thermal sensors. It makes them a much safer option for those who want to avoid potential accidents!

Results in Cleaner Concentrates

When you use a butane-powered dab rig, it can result in dirty concentrates. The flame leaves behind carbon residue that can contaminate your herb or concentrate. Electric dab rigs do not have this issue, as they use heat coils to vaporize your material. As a result, you get cleaner and tastier dabs every time!

Offers Better Portability

Butane-powered dab rigs are not very portable, as they require a large tank of butane that needs to be refilled often. Electric dab rigs, on the other hand, are much more portable. They come with built-in batteries and chargers, so you can take them with you wherever you go! So, there are some reasons why you should consider making the switch to electric dab rigs. If you’re looking for a more consistent, safe, and clean experience, then an electric dab rig is the way to go!

As the bottom line, if you want to get the benefits of electric dab rigs, you need to be sure of buying the best e-rigs in the market. So, consider buying from a reputable seller like the Freeze Pipe. Also, you need to know how to use an e-rig properly so that you can maximize its benefits. You may also want to check out the latest electric dab rigs in the market and see if one suits your needs!…